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NPO法人地域美術協会 四国 旅情を描く 絵画展 募集要項が届きました

The application guidelines for the Shikoku Travel Art Exhibition by the NPO Regional Art Association have arrived.

The call for submissions for the Shikoku Travel Art Exhibition have arrived at Galleria Reino Fukuyama.
The application deadline is Friday, February 14, 2025, so why not give it a try?

Further details will be posted on the website of the NPO Regional Art Association, so please check it out.

Information about the Shikoku Travel Emotions Art Exhibition will also be posted on the website of the NPO Regional Art Exhibition Association, so please check it out.

Application forms are available at Galleria Reino Fukuyama store, so please feel free to visit us.

Previous article Business hours on Tuesday, August 20th will be 9:30-12:00.