oil painting frame
A frame for thick artworks such as canvases and wooden panels. It is designed to fit standard sizes such as F/P/M.
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A frame for thick artworks such as canvases and wooden panels. It is designed to fit standard sizes such as F/P/M.
A frame for thin artwork such as watercolor paper. Many of them come with a mat cut to F/P/M standards.
A frame for thin artwork. You can also use a mat to adjust the margins and frame the artwork.
The frame is sized to fit the colored paper.
A simple frame that simply surrounds the canvas or panel on all four sides. Often used for large sizes.
This is a square frame. It is also suitable for framing handkerchiefs, scarves, etc.
This is a frame for the certificate. If you don't have the right size, you can use a mat to adjust the margins.
This frame is made to fit the size of a tenugui.
This is a frame that can hold posters and documents in Japanese standard OA sizes (A3/A4, etc.). It is inexpensive and is often used in schools, etc.
They are suitable for framing calligraphy works, etc. They often come with a cloth mat as standard.
This is a frame for long, thin, circular, or three-dimensional objects.
The Hiroshima main store in Kaminoboricho will close on March 31st,
Tsukasa Kobayashi , a portrait artist who I always buy art supplies from, gave me a portrait of Akio Tomita, the president of Galleria Reino Co., Ltd. 😭
An exhibition of works by artists active in Hiroshima who often came to shop at Galleria Reino will be held at the Prefectural Art Museum in April.
Akihiro Korenaga, Mitsuharu Yamamoto, Hideo Komiya, etc.
The Mitsuharu Yamamoto + Friends Art Exhibition will be held at the Hiroshima Prefectural Art Museum from April.
Last year, the "Yamamoto Mitsuharu Plus Alpha" exhibition was held at the Prefectural Art Museum, and will continue on this year.
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