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没後50年 香月泰男のシベリア・シリーズ 山口美術館で展示会が開催中です。

50 years after his death, an exhibition of Yasuo Kazuki's Siberia series is currently being held at the Yamaguchi Museum of Art.

The Yamaguchi Prefectural Museum of Art is currently holding an exhibition entitled "50 Years After His Death: Yasuo Kazuki's Siberia Series." This is an opportunity to view all 57 restored pieces at once.
The artist's harsh experiences of serving in the Pacific War and his subsequent detention in Siberia led him to paint the horrors of war. On the NHK Sunday Art Museum broadcast the other day, the restorer of the painting said something to the effect of "the thickness of the paint is as thick as that of Koch's paints." Isn't the message that the artist conveys very important in today's turbulent times?
Please take a look.

Event details: July 4th (Thursday) to August 25th (Sunday), 2024

[Opening hours] 9:00-17:00 (entrance until 16:30)

[Admission fee]
Adults 1,200 yen (1,000 yen) / Seniors and Students 1,000 yen (800 yen) / Free for those under 18 *Seniors are those 70 years of age or older, and ( ) indicates the rates for advance tickets, online tickets, and groups of 20 or more. *Free for those enrolled in high schools, secondary schools, and special needs schools. *Free for those who bring a disability certificate and one caregiver. *Advance tickets can be purchased at Loppi (L code: 62655) in Lawson or Ministop stores, or at Seven Tickets. For online ticket purchases, please visit our website.

[Organizers] Yamaguchi Prefectural Museum of Art, The Mainichi Newspaper Company, tys Television Yamaguchi [Cooperation] Yasuo Kazuki Museum of Art [Special cooperation] FM Yamaguchi [Special sponsor] Medical Corporation Seiyamakai Saiki Hospital

For more information about this exhibition, please visit the Yamaguchi Prefectural Museum of Art.

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