Less than 10,000 yen
【ウィンザー&ニュートン】プロフェッショナル 水彩 ハーフパン 赤系
Winsor & NewtonProfessional Watercolour Half Pan ウィンザー&ニュートンでは一色一色に独自の組成を開発。チューブ・ハーフパンを問わず、個々の顔料特性を生かした安定性の高い製品に仕上げています。また種々の最高級顔料を使用して、発色の強さ、鮮...
View full details【ウィンザー&ニュートン】アーチスト 油絵具 21ml 赤系
全115色世界が認める英国の最高級ブランド ウィンザー&ニュートン純度・品質・信頼性ともに最高級グレードの油絵具です。顔料濃度が高く、スムーズな使い心地。着色力が強く、ほとんどの色が「専門家用堅牢色」としてしてランクされています。チューブから出した色、薄く引き伸ばした時の色、顔料配合の強度、彩...
View full details【シュミンケ】ソフトパステル 赤系
Schmincke PastellFinest extra-soft artists’ pastels / Series 17 シュミンケ ソフトパステルは高純度な高級顔料だけを必要最小限の結合剤で造られています。顔料は超硬質な溶岩の粉砕器で丁寧に挽かれ伝統的な方法で棒状にされ、手でラベルを貼...
View full details【シュミンケ】ホラダム 透明水彩絵具 5ml 赤系
Schmincke HORADAM AQUSRELLFinest artists’ watercolours ■シュミンケ社(ドイツ)が誇る最高品質の透明水彩絵具■各色それぞれ最適な製法で製造■ハーフパンは液状の絵具を4回に分けて充填して製造■過酷な状況下においても最も高い耐光性を誇る(112...
View full details【レンブラント】油絵具 5号 15ml 赤系 紫系
View full detailsHolbein Oil Paint RED Series 20ml No. 6
・Watercolor paints and acrylic paints, which do not thin the screen and have little color change, contain water in the paint itself. Unevenness ch...
View full detailsHolbein Oil Paint RED Series 40ml No. 9
・Watercolor paints and acrylic paints, which do not thin the screen and have little color change, contain water in the paint itself. Unevenness cha...
View full detailsHolbein transparent watercolor paint 60ml
Only available while supplies last. Made from pigments and a gum arabic medium, these are transparent, highly pigmented watercolors for professi...
View full detailsHolbein transparent watercolor paint RED series 15ml No. 5
Made from pigments and a gum arabic medium, these are transparent, highly pigmented watercolors for professionals.
Holbein transparent watercolor paint RED series 5ml No. 2
Made from pigments and a gum arabic medium, these are transparent, highly pigmented watercolors for professionals.
Holbein Artist Soft Pastel RED Series S102~S225
Pastels are stick-shaped paints made by solidifying pigments with a small amount of adhesive. They can be applied directly to paper without using ...
View full detailsHolbein PanPastel Yellow, Red, Purple
PanPastel is a pastel designed to be used like paint, to pick up, lay down and adjust color. Its special formula is made with high-quality pigment...
View full detailsNatural Earth Paint 813 FRENCH TAISHA [10g Unit]
Natural earth paint, 813 French Taisha, has been used as a pigment since ancient times in both the East and the West. High-quality natural earth fr...
View full detailsNatural Earth Paint 831 Italian Taisha (10g Unit)
831 Italian Taisha, a natural earth paint, has been used as a pigment since ancient times in both the East and the West. High-quality natural earth...
View full detailsNatural mineral pigment 719 TORENSEKIMATSU [10g unit]
Natural mineral pigments are made by crushing natural minerals. They are rare, have a limited number of colors, and are expensive, but they work we...
View full detailsNatural rock paint 721 IWASHINSHA [10g unit]
5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
Natural mineral pigments are made by crushing natural minerals. They are rare, have a limited number of colors, and are expensive, but they work we...
View full detailsNatural mineral pigment 728 Ruby powder (10g unit)
Natural mineral pigments are made by crushing natural minerals. They are rare, have a limited number of colors, and are expensive, but they work we...
View full detailsNatural mineral pigment 750 Akaguchi Azukicha (red bean tea) [10g unit]
Natural mineral pigments are made by crushing natural minerals. They are rare, have a limited number of colors, and are expensive, but they work we...
View full detailsNatural mineral pigment 754 Iwataisha (10g unit)
Natural mineral pigments are made by crushing natural minerals. They are rare, have a limited number of colors, and are expensive, but they work w...
View full detailsNatural mineral pigment 755 AKACHA (10g unit)
Natural mineral pigments are made by crushing natural minerals. They are rare, have a limited number of colors, and are expensive, but they work w...
View full detailsRock Paint 879 Natural Umenezumimatsu (Plum Mouse Powder) [10g Unit]
Natural pigments are mixed into natural mineral pigments to create colors never seen before in mineral pigments. Since they do not contain a fixat...
View full detailsNew Iwa-no-gu 211 Benikaba (Red Birch) [10g unit]
Shin-iwa pigments were developed in response to the decline in natural ores. They are produced by mixing glass with metal compounds and firing the...
View full detailsNew Iwa Pigment 212 Iwadaidai (Rock Orange) IWADAIDAI [10g Unit]
Shin-iwa pigments were developed in response to the decline in natural ores. They are produced by mixing glass with metal compounds and firing the...
View full detailsNew Rock Paint 221 KIBENI (10g unit)
Shin-iwa pigments were developed in response to the decline in natural ores. They are produced by mixing glass with metal compounds and firing the...
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